Trident Love

What Percent of Long-Distance Relationships End in Marriage


Long distance relationship is a kind of romantic relationship where couples are living far apart from each other like in different cities, in different countries. Maintaining a long-distance relationship can be a challenging matter as it requires strong communication, faith, and patience. One common question people often ask that “What Percent of Long-Distance Relationships End in Marriage?” In this article, we will deep dive to find out the answer to the question “What Percent of Long-Distance Relationships End in Marriage” and will also find some facts about this. 

If you are in a long-distance relationship or considering starting a long-distance relationship then this article is a valuable source for you. Stay tuned and let’s deep dive.

What Percent of Long-Distance Relationships End in Marriage

Some statics about LDR

Here are some statistics related to long-distance relationships:

  1. The success rate of a long-distance relationship is nearly about 59%.
  2. Nearly about 38% of students will be in a long-distance relationship during school or college.
  3. According to a survey by the Center for the Study of Long-Distance Relationships, approximately 14 Million couples in the United States are in a long-distance relationship.
  4. According to a Journal of Communication, study 34% of couples in the United States have found their partner online.
  5. According to a study by the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, around 40% of long-distance relationships end in a breakup.
  6. On average couples in a long-distance relationship spends 30 mins on a phone call over the day. 
Related Reading  Is Your Long-Distance Partner Loyal? Here's How to Find Out

There are tons of statistics available about long-distance relationships. These are the most common ones.

What are the difficulties in Long-Distance Relationship

Long-distance relationships can be challenging and have some difficulty to maintain.  Here are some common difficulties are mentioned. 

1. Lack of physical intimacy: Even though we avoid expressing ourselves, physical intimacy is a very important factor in any relationship. Long-distance couples lived apart from each other which creates a barrier to physical intimacy. 

2. Communication Barrier: Communication is the key to any relationship. In the case of long-distance relationships frequent communication is more required. 

3. Trust issues: Trust is the most important factor in a relationship. A breach of trust can destroy a relationship in a sec. In long-distance relationships, it’s more challenging to maintain trust due to physical distance and lack of face-to-face interactions.

4. Loneliness and isolation: If you are not physically with your partner you may feel loneliness and isolation and in a long-distance relationship, it is common problem. 

5. Jealousy and insecurity: In a long-distance relationship, the lack of physical touch and limited communication can create Jealousy and insecurity. 

These are the common problems in a long-distance relationship that couples mostly feel. 

How can you overcome the challenges of Long-Distance Relationships?

Overcoming the challenges of a long-distance relationship requires effort, commitment, and communication from both partners. Here are some points are mentioned which will help you to overcome the challenges. 

1. Set clear expectations: Both couples need to set clear expectations of their needs and likeliness and boundaries in the relationship. Both couples should make a frame of meeting and communication. 

2. Communicate regularly: As much communication as stronger the relationship. So it’s important to do regular communication in a long-distance relationship. You can use technologies like Voice calls, video calls, chat, etc. 

3. Make time for visits: As a regular meeting is not possible in a long-distance relationship, plan a time and place for the next meeting and spend some quality time over there. 

4. Use technology to stay connected: Technology can help couples stay connected. This can include things like sending text messages, sharing photos and videos, playing online games, or watching movies together.

5. Be open and honest: Honesty is the key to success, we all know. Similarly, in relationships, honesty is the key to success and happiness. Be honest and have faith on your partner. 

Related Reading  How to be Mature in a Long Distance Relationship

6. Find ways to be intimate: As physical intimation is limited in a long-distance relationship, you can find various ways to be intimate like sending love letters, exchanging gifts, or scheduling virtual date nights.

By following these easy steps you can make your relationship stronger and more powerful.

Psychological facts about Long-Distance Relationships

What Percent of Long-Distance Relationships End in Marriage

Here are some psychological facts about long-distance relationships:

  1. As physical intimacy is important in any kind of relationship. Couples who are in a long-distance relationship may feel a lack of physical intimacy. 
  2. Communication is crucial in a long-distance relationship. Communication via phone is the only way to stay connected in these types of relationships. Lots of relationships is destroyed due to a lack of communication.
  3. Long Distance relationships required much more effort rather than geographically close relationships. According to a study couples in long-distance relationships reported higher levels of commitment than those in geographically close relationships.
  4. Trust is an important factor in a long-distance relationship. and it’s the most challenging to maintain trust in a long-distance relationship as couples are living in a different zone. 
  5. In some cases, couples have to suffer from mental pressure, stress, and anxiety in a long-distance relationship as they are not able to meet frequently. 

When do Long-Distance Relationships End

Long-distance relationships can end for a variety of reasons, just like geographically close relationships. Some of the common reasons for which long-distance relationship ends are a breach of trust, lack of physical intimacy, lack of communication, financial challenges, different life goals, lack of seriousness, etc. It’s not that all long-distance relationship ends in a breakup. In some cases, couples are able to overcome these situations and lead to a good and happy life. 

What is the hardest part of Long-Distance Marriage?

The hardest part of a long-distance marriage is the emotional and physical distance between partners which creates difficulties in deep love and staying connected. This problem is due to loneliness, depression, and lack of emotional support.

Do Long-Distance Relationships end up in Marriage?

Yes, Some long-distance relationship ends up in marriage, and some do not. It depends on the couple’s situation and family decision. If couples are having a strong bond and feeling between them and are supportive of each other then it will end up in marriage. However, the research found that approximately 10% to 15% of all marriages in the United States begin as long-distance relationships.

Related Reading  Is it Possible to Keep a Long Distance Relationship without Meeting

How to make a Long-Distance Relationship turn into a Marriage?

What Percent of Long-Distance Relationships End in Marriage

If you are in a long-distance relationship and you want to turn it into a marriage, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of success. Here are some tips: 

1. Build a strong emotional connection: If you are serious about your relationship and want to turn it into marriage, then make a strong emotional connection with your partner. 

2. Make time for each other: I know that giving time in a relationship is a difficult task if you are in a working professional, but it’s more important to spend some time with your partner via call, meeting, or video call.

 3. Plan for the future: If you are serious about your long-distance relationship and want to turn it into marriage then make a future plan and share it with your partner, listen to her opinion, and make it corrections. 

4. Be open and honest: Be always open and honest with your partner. This will create a strong feeling in her mind about you. Be open and specific about your expectations, concerns, and feelings. 

5. Make sacrifices: Long-distance relationships require sacrifice. Which include adjusting your schedule, spending money on travel, or moving to be closer to your partner.

Ultimately, turning a long-distance relationship into marriage required dedication, patience, and trust. Follow these steps, it will help you to be successful. 

Can a Long-Distance Marriage survive?

Yes, a long-distance marriage can survive like a normal relationship. It requires effort, commitment, and strong communication skills from both partners. Long-distance marriage can be challenging due to a lack of physical intimacy, lack of trust, and commitment issues. However, If you have a deep connection and strong belief in your relationship, you can easily turn your long-distance relationship into marriage. 


In conclusion, all long-distance relationship is not turning into marriages. It is a challenging matter to be successful. But couples can easily overcome these challenges with strong commitment, deep feelings for each other, and willingness to make sacrifices. 

I hope you have cleared up your question. I know turning a long-distance relationship into a marriage can be challenging but not impossible. you have to make some efforts to achieve it. At least, Be Happy, Be in Love.

You may also ask

This depends on the individual person to person. By doing regular communication, deep love and trust this kind of long-distance relationship lasts from months to years without seeing each other.

A long-Distance relationship can be good or bad depending on the couple. As this kind of relationship is difficult to maintain, some relationships last for a few months or years, whereas some are last life time.

In a single word, the answer is YES, Long-Distance Relationship can be risky in terms of maintenance as there are lack of physical intimacy, a communication gap, and trust factors.

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